Monday, April 27, 2009

The Reviewer Checks Out The Ugly Duckling

A charming little short play that features the strong performance of Richard Scott as Prince Simon. The production is very fast paced, a little too fast as most of the time the actors are too concerned with speaking their lines too quickly instead of waiting for a reaction from their partners. Mr. Scott and Elena Duarte as Princess Camilla are the exception and main attraction in the play. They both listen and respond to each other very well and seemed to have a genuine connection. Mr. Scott has a strong stage presence but a warm sentimentality that is endearing. His entrance is also hilarious and to me is reminiscent of fine vaudevillian comedies of the past. My only critique of Mr. Scott is to come across more strongly as a prince, because it was hard to tell how he felt about that.
Miss Duarte is certainly comfortable onstage and has a sweet quality to her that is hard not to like. The rest of the cast as I mentioned before seemed too rushed as if they had a specific time limit in which to say their lines. It's a shame it is only a one act, as I would've liked to have seen how the story played itself out. Overall, this was fun and if you have 30 minutes to spare, come check it out in it's final performance tonight.

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