Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Musings on Battlestar Galactica and Heroes

I have recently discovered the reimagining of Battlestar Galactica, created by former Star Trek: The Next Generation, writer/producer Ronald Moore. In a phrase, it's frackin great(Frack is a clever curse/non curse word). I was a fan of the original series and with every reimagining or remake of an original, I was skeptical. I had watched the opening episode when it first came out and I remember thinking that it was ok but not totally blown away by it , so I lost touch with it. But, in the last year, during conversations with various people, they told me how great it is, so I decide to give it a shot and I like it a lot.
It is shot in a very edgy, survivalist (not Survivor), action packed style with a lot of intense sequences. As an actor, I also really like the acting, because the actors look like they're really living out their circumstances, and that's the job of the actor. The cast is headed by veterans Edward James Olmos and Mary McDonell as Cmmndr Adama and President Roslin. And the junior actors, Katee Sackhoff as the rebellious pilot Starbuck and Jamie Bamber as the respected Captain Apollo. Definitely check it out. I'm only on season 2 right now, so I hope it continues to be good. Here's a link to see what the show is about http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/about/index.php
Essentially it's humans vs Cylons (robots) for a struggle for domination.

Switching gears. Heroes: Fugitives, the current storyline of the Heroes franchise after 2 episodes is pretty good and better than the previous 2 seasons so far. Sylar has a little protege now. However, the thing about Heroes, especially this current season is that it really reminds me a lot of X-Men. But now our 'heroes' are on the run as one of their own is hunting them down and trying to lock them away. I can't wait for Hiro to get his powers back myself. He's my favorite. Looking forward to see how the story still unfolds.

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