Tuesday, February 10, 2009

President Obama's 1st Press Conference

Last night, President Obama gave his first press conference and by my accounts, it was a big success. The questions overall were good and he was very thoughtful in his responses. I enjoy listening to him speak and see how engaging he is. Most right wing pundits complained and criticized Obama for being too long winded and even boring. However, I would counter that with the dire economic situation we are facing, requires thoughtful lengthy responses that are not fit for a 30 second sound bite, which I guess Fox commentators like Bill O'Reilly were looking for. That was his major criticism of the press conference.

He tackled everything from the stimulus package, to re opening negotiations with Iran to even the news of A-Rod having taken steroids. It lasted about an hour and once again, I was impressed. Today, Treasury Secretary Geithner unveiled his financial plan for getting the credit and banking crisis under control. Wall Street was not impressed, probably because they are now going to be reigned in with more oversight. We cannot simply do nothing. I applaud efforts to try and do something and hopefully it works. It's nice to have a pro-active President, than a reactive one that we have experienced the past 8 years

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