Monday, March 23, 2009

Bidding Farewell to Battlestar Galactica

OK, I'm a little tardy in posting my thoughts on the finale of BSG, but here goes. I thought it was very well done. I don't have enough space to encapsulate the entire run of the series but I really liked it. I was wondering how the set up of a suicide mission to rescue Hera from the Cylon Colony would work out but the first hour is a dynamo of action and typical BSG type drama that I was riveted. Hera is rescued, Boomer does the right thing but Athena blows her away anyway. I guess that is justice. There is also justice finally for Callie as Galen discovers that Tory killed her and returns the favor. It is interesting that the time of peace is ushered in by murders. I LOVED seeing the new Cylons in hand to hand combat with the classic Cylons. That was great.
The second hour is more about the characters and how each of them meet their fates. To sum up,. I thought it was cool that they discovered "our" Earth and not the nuclear holocaust devastated one at the end of season 3. Hera does prove to have been very pivotal as it turns out she is our ancestor, we are all children of Hera, because the fleet lands in Africa 150,000 years ago and scientists discover the remains of Hera(supposedly). So, we are half human and half "toaster" afterall. So to sum up.
Roslin does die and Adama buries here near where he will build the cabin they both had talked about. That was touching. But it was sad that Adama leaves Lee behind. Speaking of Lee. He not only loses his father but Starbuck as well. After Starbuck plugged in the Jump coordinates, which was "Watchtower" all along, she senses she accomplished what she was meant to do and she vanishes. Very messianic like. Lots of people were irate about that, but I liked it. It keeps in with the spiritual aspects of the story from the start. Gaius and Caprica 6 start a new life and his last line about him being a farmer was pretty emotional, I liked how we acted that. He really had a feeling about that. It was sad seeing Galen head off on his own. Tigh and Ellen also ended up happily ever after, presumably.

I also liked how they incorporated all the flashbacks of each of the main characters lives on Caprica, prior to the war in the final 3 episodes where it showed the characters essentially staying true to their forms about how each of them tackled adversity and offered hints at where fate would ultimately take them. Overall, well done. This has been a great series. I only started watching it a couple of months ago, so I have been really late to the dance but am I ever glad I came at all. I think this will change sci-fi series going forward in a very substantial way. BSG gets 4.5 stars. So say we all!

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