Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Reviewer Sees "The Visitor"

I enjoyed The Visitor, the latest from Tom McCarthy and the team that brought us The Station Agent. It stars Richard Jenkins as Walter Vale. A disillusioned man, sleepwalking through life and quite lonely. He meets an illegal couple, Tarak and Zainab played very well by newcomers Haaz Sleiman and Denia Gurira. When Tarek is arrested and threatened with deportation, Walter steps in to help.

Richard Jenkins is such a good actor and he really plays Walter with an evocative isolation that is palpable. His unlikely relationship with Tarek is charming, it becomes more so as Tarek teaches him how to play the Djembe. However, I really enjoyed seeing Walter with Tarek's mother Mouna the talented Hiam Abbass (of Paradise Now) who has the strength and understated presence of the Syrian mother hoping for her son's release. The bond they form is quite endearing as two lost souls coming together in this common cause. Overall, the acting is quite natural and unforced. Everyone is playing things simply and honestly which one should expect from good acting. It is also a thought provoking piece about the state of our current immigration laws since 9/11. It can get a little preachy at times, but I would expect that with such a hot button issue. I do not question the issue surrounding some of the laws, but the circumstances that happen can be quite scary for the victims. I think this is the message that Mr. McCarthy is trying to convey.
I give The Visitor 3.5 stars.

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